Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Toweling season

Here in Oregon we have two seasons: summer and toweling. In the summer, it's usually warm and dry if not sunny, but during toweling season every outing with Tucker involves cleaning and drying him off with at least one towel before he comes inside. When it gets really nasty (which it's about to -- the forecast is for 2.5 inches of rain over the next two days) we have a two-towel system. We start with a bucket of warm water and a washcloth (our yellow "lab" doesn't like to be sprayed with water) to remove the mud, then use the first towel to soak up most of the sogginess before finishing up with the second towel. Of course, Tucker prefers it if the towels are still warm from the dryer.

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Cascade Cream Puff

Cascade Cream Puff
At the early morning start