I had the pins taken out of my wrist today after 4.5 weeks. Scott drove me because he thought they would give me anesthesia and I would be woozy afterward, but no such luck. The doctor just unscrewed the bracket, grabbed the first pin with a huge pair of pliers, and started pulling. I winced with pain as it left the skin. He explained that bone doesn't hurt, but there is a thin membrane around the bone that has nerves, as well is beneath and in the skin. So it hurts during the last part of the exit.
Armed with knowledge of the pain, I was slightly more anxious as the pliers gripped the second pin. But it was the fourth one that really hurt. As soon as he latched onto it it started hurting and I really concentrated on my yogic breathing. It also helped not to watch. Apparently this was the longest pin and the skin around it was a bit irritated. But finally it was free with a burst of dark red blood.
Now I'm wearing a splint that velcros around my wrist. I can take it off only to shower (but not until the holes heal over so water won't flow into the bone) and do some range-of-motion exercises.
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